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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SPSS-Summary Statistics Using Descriptives

The Descriptives procedure is useful for obtaining summary comparisons of approximately normally distributed scale variables and for easily identifying unusual cases across those variables by computing z scores.

Using Descriptives to Study Quantitative Data
 A telecommunications company maintains a customer database that includes, among other things, information on how much each customer spent on long distance, toll-free, equipment rental, calling card, and wireless services in the previous month.

This information is collected in telco.sav. See the topic Sample Files for more information. Use Descriptives to study customer spending to determine which services are most profitable.

Running the Analysis

To run a Descriptives analysis, from the menus choose:

These selections generate the following command syntax:

  VARIABLES=longmon tollmon equipmon cardmon wiremon
• The procedure analyzes the variables longmon, tollmon, equipmon, cardmon, and wiremon.

• The STATISTICS subcommand requests the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum.

To recode 0's as missing values, from the menus choose:
Select Long distance last month, Toll free last month, Equipment last month, Calling card last month, and Wireless last month as numeric variables.
Type 0 as the Old Value.
Select System-missing New Value.
Click Continue.
These selections generate the following command syntax:
  longmon tollmon equipmon cardmon wiremon  (0=SYSMIS)  .
Click Options in the Descriptives dialog box.

Deselect Minimum and Maximum.
Select Skewness and Kurtosis.
Click Continue.
Click OK in the Descriptives dialog box.

These selections generate the following command syntax:
  VARIABLES=longmon tollmon equipmon cardmon wiremon
• The STATISTICS subcommand now requests the skewness and kurtosis instead of the minimum and maximum.

Descriptive Statistics

When the analysis is conditional upon the customer's actually having the service, the results are dramatically different.


Wireless and equipment rental services bring in far more revenue per customer than other services.

Moreover, while wireless service remains a high variable prospect, equipment rental has one of the lowest standard deviations.


This hasn't solved the problem of who purchases these services, but it does point you in the direction of which services deserve greater marketing.


Finding Unusual Cases
You can find customers who spend much more or much less than other customers on each service by studying the standardized values (or z scores) of the variables.

However, a requirement for using z scores is that each variable's distribution is not markedly non-normal. The skewness and kurtosis values reported in the statistics table are all quite large, showing that the distributions of these variables are definitely not normal.

One possible remedy, because the variables all take positive values, is to study the z scores of the log-transformed variables. The log-transformed variables have already been computed and entered into the data file; you can use the Descriptives procedure to compute the the z scores.

Running the Analysis
To obtain z scores for the log-transformed variables, recall the Descriptives dialog box.

Deselect Long distance last month through Wireless last month as analysis variables.
Select Log-long distance through Log-wireless as analysis variables.
Select Save standardized values as variables.
Click OK.

These selections generate the following command syntax:
  VARIABLES=loglong logtoll logequi logcard logwire
  /SAVE .
• The SAVE subcommand specifies that z-scores for each of the variables on the VARIABLES subcommand should be saved to the active dataset.

Descriptive statistics table
With the exception of Log-toll free, the skewness and kurtosis are considerably smaller for the log-transformed variables.


The log-transformed toll-free service may continue to have a large skewness and kurtosis because a customer spent an unusually large amount last month. Check boxplots to verify this.

Boxplots of Z Scores
To visually scan the z scores and find unusual values, from the menus choose:
Select Summaries of separate variables.
Select Zscore: Log-long distance through Zscore: Log-wireless as the variables the boxes represent.
Click Options.

Click Continue.
Click OK in the Define Simple Boxplot dialog box.

EXAMINE VARIABLES=Zloglong Zlogtoll Zlogequi Zlogcard Zlogwire 

Boxplots of the z scores show that customer 567 spent much more than the average customer on toll-free service last month. This should account for the larger skewness and kurtosis observed in Toll free last month.

You have determined that equipment rental and wireless services have a high return per customer, although wireless has greater variability. You still need to determine whether these services can be effectively marketed to your customer base in order to fully assess their profitability.
You have also found that one customer, compared to other customers, spent an unusually large amount on toll-free services last month. This should be investigated to determine whether this spending was a one-time event or will be ongoing. 

Related Procedures

The Descriptives procedure is a useful tool for summarizing and standardizing scale variables. 

•  You can alternatively use the Frequencies procedure to summarize scale variables. Frequencies also provides statistics for summarizing categorical variables.

•  The Means procedure provides descriptive statistics and an ANOVA table for studying relationships between scale and categorical variables. 

•  The Summarize procedure provides descriptive statistics and case summaries for studying relationships between scale and categorical variables. 

•  The OLAP Cubes procedure provides descriptive statistics for studying relationships between scale and categorical variables. 

•  The Correlations procedure provides summaries describing the relationship between two scale variables. 

Recommended Readings
See the following texts for more information on summarizing data:
Hays, W. L. 1981. Statistics, 3rd ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Norusis, M. 2004. SPSS 13.0 Guide to Data Analysis. Upper Saddle-River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc..

Norusis, M. 2004. SPSS 13.0 Statistical Procedures Companion. Upper Saddle-River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc..

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