Useful Linux Commands (Red Hat)
( 3/1/2000
Getting information
- man commandname
- display the manual page for a particular command named commandname
- man -S sectionnumber commandname
- display the manual page under a specific section numbered sectionnumber for the command named commandname. Sometimes the same command will exist in more than one section. man alone will display the lowest-numbered section only. To see other sections, you'll need to use the -s flag. The different sections are:
- 1 - user commands
- 2 - system calls
- 3 - libc calls
- 4 - devices
- 5 - file formats and protocols
- 6 - games
- 7 - conventions, macro packages, etc.
- 8 - system administration
- man -l commandname
- list all the man pages available for commandname
- man -l intro
- interesting reading-- when you have the time
- man -K keyword
- searches all man pages for keywords
- info
- the other major way to find information about commands. Somewhat obscure to navigate, but quite useful. Basically, navigate using tab key to select a node, return key to enter a node, 'l' key to go back, 'q' to quit. Useful information available through info include:
- libg++
- iostream
- gdb
- make
- tar
- gzip
- which commandname
- find the path to a commandname
- whatis commandname
- tells you what a command is and does. works sometimes.
File Manipulation
- Some file notations
- . (current directory)
- ./myfile.txt (a file in current directory)
- ./mydirectory/myfile.txt (a file in a subdirectory of current directory)
- mydirectory/myfile.txt (same as above, a file in a subdirectory of current directory)
- .. (parent directory of current directory)
- ../otherdirectory (a sibling subdirectory of current directory [go back one level and down another directory])
- / (the ultimate root directory)
- ~ (my home directory)
- ~/mydirectory (a subdirectory of my home directory)
- ~otheruser (another user's home directory)
- filename*.txt ("*" is the wildcard character)
- cp fromfilename tofilename
- copy from fromfilename tofilename
- mv fromfilename tofilename
- Move from fromfilename to tofilename.
- rm
- remove a file (DANGER: this is permanent!)
- rm -i
- asks you before removing a file
- rm -R
- recursively remove a directory and every file in it (DANGER)
- > filename
- redirect output to a file named filename. Overwrites that file. Example: ls > directory.txt
- >> filename
- redirect output to a file named filename. Appends to the end of that file.
- < redirect in
- redirect input to a program. Example: myprogram < myfile.txt
- | mycommand
- pipe output so it goes through a certain command. Example: ls -l | less
- | grep myword
- pipe output through grep. grep searches for "myword" and displays only those lines containing that word. Example (to search for all files containing ".cc": ls -l | grep .cc
- find mydirectory -name "nametolookfor"
- searches mydirectory and all its subdirectories for a file named "nametolookfor"
- find . -name "proj3*"
- searches the current directory and all its subdirectories for a file begining with "proj3".
Moving Around
- pwd
- shows which directory you are currently in
- cd newdirectory
- changes to a new directory
- cd ~
- change to your home directory.
- cd [tab key]
- change to your home directory.
- cd -
- changes to the last directory you were in.
- cd /
- change to root directory
- mkdir directoryname
- Make a new directory.
Executing commands (some are tcsh-specific)
- ^Z (Control-Z)
- This suspends a currently running command. You can then use "bg" or "fg" on it.
- bg
- Sends your suspended command to run in the background.
- fg
- Resumes execution of your currently suspended command.
- fg jobnumber
- Resumes execution of your suspended command with job number jobnumber.. Use "sps" or "jobs" to see job numbers.
- mycommand &
- runs the command named mycommand in the background
- !foo
- repeats the last command you ran beginning with the word "foo"
- jobs
- shows background jobs that were spawned from this current shell.
- nice +nicelevel commandname
- runs a command with a lower priority. Priorities range from 0 to +19, +19 being the lowest priority available. If you are going to run a cpu-intensive command, it is nice to nice it.
- renice +nicelevel jobnumber
- resets a particular command to a different priority level
- ps
- shows your current processes attached to this terminal. Use "ps -aux" to see everything.
- top
- show the processes that are using the most resources
- top -Uusername
- show a user's processes in order of resource usage.
- kill jobnumber
- kill off a particular process (BE CAREFUL)
- kill -9 jobnumber
- kill off a particularly troublesome process if the above doesn't work (BE VERY CAREFUL)
Using Text Files
- cat filename
- outputs content of a file to the screen
- cat filename1 filename2 > filename3
- concatenates filename1 and filename2 into a new file named filename3
- more filename
- displays a file page by page
- less filename
- does the same thing as more, but a little cooler
- head filename
- shows the first 10 lines of a file.
- head -numberoflines filename
- shows the first specified number of lines of a file. Ex. tail -50 filename
- tail filename
- shows the last 10 lines of a file.
- tail -numberoflines filename
- shows the last specified number of lines of a file. Ex. tail -50 filename
- nl filename
- sticks line numbers in front of each line in your file and redirects output to the screen
Using Other Files
- file filename
- find out what type of file filename is
- gzip filename
- compress a file
- gunzip filename
- uncompress a file
- tar cvf tarfilename file1 file2 file3 etc.
- archive a bunch of files or directories into one tar file.
- tar xvf tarfilename
- un-archive a tar file into its constituent files
- zcat filename
- like gunzip, but sends output to stdout.
- zcat filename | tar -xvf -
- unzips a compressed, tar'ed file, and untars it directly without creating an intermediate file
- eject
- eject the cd tray
- cdplay
- play audio CD's in the cdrom drive.
- cat .au > /dev/audio
- play an au sound file.
- mpg123
- play MP3 files.
- xpdf
- view pdf files
- gv
- view ps files
- xdvi
- view dvi files
- xview
- view gif, jpeg, png files
Spying and Surveillance on Other Users
- finger
- Check to see if someone is logged into your system.
- .plan files
- If you put text into a file named ".plan" in your home directory, people will see it when they finger you.
- whoami
- in case you forget.
- rwho
- who is on
- who
- who is on
- w
- who is on, and what they're doing
- /scratch/QUOT
- this directory has files that show the biggest user of the /scratch directory
- talk username
- start chat session with another user
- ytalk username
- start chat session with multiple users
Learning about the Machine
- xload
- see the system load
- quota -v
- How much of your disk and file quota you are using up.
- df
- How much disk space is free on various drives.
- du
- How much space files are taking up in this current directory.
Miscellaneous Fun
- clock
- display a clock
- ssh
- log into a different machine securely. We recommend using "ssh" over telnet and rlogin. May interfere with Java Swing GUI stuff.
- set autolist
- Auto-suggest commands you type on the command line.
- mesg n
- Turns messages off so you won't be disturbed.
- from
- Tells you who your new mail is from.
- biff
- A text-based program which will show a message when you receive new mail.
- xbiff
- shows a picture of a mailbox on your screen. The flag goes up and it beeps when you get new mail.
- set nobeep = 1
- Turns off that annoying beep.
- lynx
- text-based web browser
Administrative Commands
(most of these commands must be executed as root)- ifconfig
- view and play with your ethernet and tcp/ip settings
- su username
- change your current shell to one owned by username
- mount/umount
- mount and unmount file systems
- control-panel
- brings up the Red Hat control panel
- shutdown time
- shuts down the system at time
- route
- manually edit routing table (warning: careful)
- init #
- manually tell init to go to runlevel #
- fsck
- check the hard disk for errors
- hdparm
- can greatly increase the performance of your hard disk (careful)
- isapnp
- utility to help configure Plug'N'Play devices
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